Every childhood memory I have is laced with memories with my cousins. We did everything together. I wish that Madelynn and Zach had cousins who lived closer and were closer in age. I am blessed though that the cousins they do have don't seem to care one bit how little they are and are happy to enjoy what little time they get together. This weekend we met the Smith's/Fontenot's at Emerald Hills near Toledo Bend. We had a GREAT time!
I will be the first one to admit that roadtrips with my kids is nothing I look forward to but the weekend made it well worth the stress. The kids were so worn out from the weekend that it made the trip home much easier than the trip there.
Todd was more than a little sad to leave and I perfectly understand. I can remember how I would feel driving down the long driveway of my parents house after we would come for a visit here. It is a most miserable feeling. Like he said if only there was a way to see them without it being so difficult. I know he enjoyed spending time with his dad on the golfcourse and eating his mom's homemade icecream is sure to make anybody homesick. I told him we were well overdue for a LONG visit in BR and as soon as he can take his vacation in the fall we need to make plans to go for 4-5 days instead of just a weekend trip. He readily agreed.
In a few years the kids will be older and although the trip won't be any shorter it will at least be a little more bearable. Until then we will savor the special times we can enjoy together and count them a blessing!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago