Thursday, December 11, 2008

Merry Christmas Anna!

Well it's the Christmas season and this is the first year I can ever remember not being absolutely overwhelmed by the holidays. We have recently started attending a new church and so the new start meant we weren't committed to 100 different things throughout the holidays. God in His sovereignty new that my little guy would be having surgery even before I did and then all my commitments would have gone out the window anyway.

I am trying to be a little deeper this Christmas, not just taking the season for the usual. Jesus is the Reason, Wise Men Still Seek Him, and Mary Did You Know, have lost their effect on me. I began to study the story in Luke. I have read it and re-read it, and something new has come so alive to me.

It is the small mention of a very significant person towards the end of the story. Her name is Anna and she was a prophetess. She was widowed and spent the rest of her life dedicated to worship, prayer and fasting in temple. She was the first woman to look at the baby, still in infancy and see Him for what He really was, her long awaited Redeemer.

The Shepherds were sent by the angels, the Magi followed a star, but in an instant, just one glance, Anna knew the Messiah. Even as a babe, she knew He was her Savior. She went throughout the temple rejoicing and telling of His significance. That small story leaves me asking myself so many questions.

How many people were at the temple that day? How many passed Joseph and Mary, congratulated them on their new arrival and never knew He was the Christ? How many times do I go to the house of God (the temple) out of ritual or routine and pass right by the Savior? How many lives are committed to prayer the way that Anna was? The veil was not yet torn, she could not experience the very real presence of God the way that I can, yet she worshipped continually because of who He was, the God of Moses, the God of Abraham. She worshipped with her whole life and in return she saw the Son of God years before the rest of the world even cared that He existed.

This Christmas season I am focusing less on the typical holiday banter and going deeper. I want to know that I will recognize Him when I see Him. I want to be that close to Him. I want to know His voice. I don't want to miss Him this Christmas.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Out on a limb

Okay so I am going out on a limb here. I think there are many people with lots of opinions and emotions today based on the results of the elections. I am not ashamed in the least to say that the president elect is NOT the man I gave my vote to. BUT, there is something that compels me to write in the wake of the MANY emails, comments, ect.... that I have read already in regards to my view of what to do now.

I don't believe there is any confusion as to what the Word of God has to say in regards to what are duty is now. It is I am afraid something that some will find impossible to submit to. We are now to pray for our leader. Before you argue, I urge you to see what the Scripture instructs us to do in I Timothy 2:1-4.

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving bemade for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

If ever there was a time to pray for our leader it is now. Re-read the last part of verse 4. "who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

Friday, October 24, 2008

Winds of Change (Part 2)

Many months back I shared about the Winds of Change and how I felt so strongly that the Lord was saying to be prepared for the Winds of Change to come. I knew He was saying to me "Be prepared for not just a small breeze that refreshes and soothes the soul, but a strong forceful blowing wind that unsettles and "messes up" the normal condition of things."
I believe that in His infinite wisdom He was preparing me then for the things I couldn't see. the winds of change have come and the storm has blown and blown fiercely. Things have been torn down that will never exist the same way again. Yet in the midst of the uncertainty and the aftermath of the windstorm, I still know that God knew what He was doing!
I don't have to understand the why to know that He is working it all for my good. And even in the midst of the storm, I can truly say that when He speaks, "Peace, be still!" The winds do obey.
So to all my friends out there in the midst of their own storms, Hold on Tight! Collect what can be redeemed from the debris and what God has torn to pieces......Leave it There!!!

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Falling Falling
Dreams are falling
Tumbling to the Ground
In the midst of
Dying Dreams
God's purposes are found
Rising Rising
Hope is rising
from my heart to His
Within the will of
The Divine
I'll do just as He bids
Ending Ending
Never Ending
is His love for me
and if I will but
Follow Him
I'll live Eternally
Betsy Smith

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Little Trip to Branson

Well the Smith's just returned from the Ozarks and we had a blast. We got there Thursday evening and unpacked, ate a quick supper in the condo and then headed to the pool.

When we woke up Friday we headed out for Silver Dollar City and spent the day there. We had so much fun and there was really something there for the whole family.

Saturday started out at the IMAX theatre and then on to the Butterfly Palace. After naps we went out to eat and to the Toy Museum. Our trip home Sunday was long but the kids did so well. They have gotten so much better about traveling.

We were so disappointed at first about Hurricane Ike messing up our plans to go to Galveston, but I truly don't think we could have had any more fun than we did in Branson. It is a trip we will do many more times through the years I am sure. Thanks to everyone that prayed for us to have a good trip. We so enjoyed our special time away!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Philippians 2:14

Recently we have been trying to overcome a whining/crying hurdle with our 4 year old, Madelynn. Typically she is a high energy child with lots of creativity and expression. This week she has been abnormally busy for one little 4 year old and I fear that her tiredness has turned into a case of constant crankiness. I let her sleep in this morning and made her take a nap too, but it's seems the crankies are here to stay. She has cried like a PMS nightmare all day.

I have tried everything. Extra cuddling and reassurance. Talking her through her emotions to get to the root of what is really bothering her. Tonight she just went back and forth from me and her dad crying, whining and begging to be held, sung to and rocked.

Finally after the 5th emotional outburst I had had it! I said "That's it Madelynn. I don't know what you want, you don't know what you want. I am tired of trying. Just go to bed." (Now, while there was some wisdom in the fact that at this point she probably needed another nights sleep more than anything else, I was struck with my own hypocrisy within that statement. )

How many times have I had the same attitude with my Heavenly Father, crying and complaining and sometimes not even clear why I am not thankful for all He has done for me? I have begged and demanded, whined and complained. Yet never once has He said "That's it, I am done with you." Oh to have His long suffering.

So while I am far from where I need to be as a mother or as His child, I will wake my sweet daughter in the morning with a kiss on her sweet face. But while she sleeps tonight, I will kneel by her bed and pray that God gives me the patience that only comes from His Spirit, and the wisdom to be the example to my children that He has commanded me to be.

"Do all things without murmuring and complaining." Phil. 2:14

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


May we always remember that life works better together than apart. Life was meant to be shared. Sharing is hard sometimes. Hard for small children and sometimes harder for adults. God give us the ability to share what we have and learn to ask for what we have not.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Perfect Peace

Back in 1993, (wow 15 years ago) in Mr. Anzivino's Bible class we memorized a short scripture in Isaiah 26:3. I had no idea then how much that one little scripture would impact my life.

"He will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him, because He trust in Him."

This scripture has become like a prescription for my spirit man. Anytime I began to have anxiety or feel lost, I stop and ask myself? "Is your mind stayed on Him?", many times the answer is a resounding "NO!!!"

Even in the middle of the night, when I wake with a start after a bad dream, or I am awake wishing I could sleep, but worrying over some financial matter, or child's illness, I began to meditate on this scripture and force myself to replace the worries with thoughts or scriptures about Him.

Through the hardest trials in my life I begin to double up on my prescription so to say. More quiet time, more personal devotion, worship music in the morning as I dress for the day, bathing myself in the Word and with prayer. By taking this scripture literally I have been able to learn that "Perfect Peace" comes with "Perfect Trust". The trusting is always the hard part.

When covered by His presence and with the Word, the trusting does come easier though, and once the trusting starts the peace always follows.

"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,

Just to take Him at His Word

Just to rest upon His Promise

and to know"Thus Saith the Lord!"

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Letter to My Daughter

Dear Madelynn:

You are only four years old and I know you can't read this, but some day you will. I want to tell you all about the way you are right now.

You are beautiful. Not just to me but to everyone who knows you. Sometimes I watch you dancing and spinning in the sunshine and my breath catches in my throat at the miracle you are. You are girly and silly, you love picking flowers and anything to do with princesses. You love making up stories and silly songs. You are very creative.

You also have already developed a special love for your Heavenly Father. And even though there is still a lot you don't understand; you get what matters most. That he loves you just the way you are.

You are not perfect, you get cranky and whiny when you are tired and talk back way more than you should. But even in those moments, you are the most precious gift in my life.

I only hope I give you every opportunity to be all that you can be. You have the potential to be so much. Reach for the stars my love. They have been sparkling in your blue eyes since the day you where born. Fall in love with Jesus before you fall in love with anyone or anything else and He can take you all the way to the Heavens!! Literally.

I love you my princess.


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Winds of Change

Last Thursday the worship team and several of the church intercessors met for a time of worship and prayer at the new building. As I began praying and singing in the Spirit, I felt a phrase coming up within me. I began to sing about the Winds of Change. I sang that they would come and blow through the church affecting all present.
I thought later about how when a wind comes it usually changes the scenery. No one ever comes away from a strong wind with their hair all in place and their clothes not disheveled. I wonder how many times I have detoured the winds because of my own fear of the change that comes with the wind.
I studied quiet a bit in the days that followed about winds. The old testament talks often of the winds blowing from the four quarters of heaven and in Psalms it says that the winds are subject to the divine power.
I am now more certain than ever that the Winds of Change are coming and I am ready for not just the power from the wind, but the change too!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Piece of the Puzzle

I am realizing that my biggest battle in life is the battle with myself. I fight harder with me than anyone else. To explain I should say it doesn't have to do with self-esteem or self hatred or anything of that nature.
I struggle the most with the battle of my own emotions. I wish I was one of those people that was just consistent. I wish I woke every morning ready to face the day and that I didn't feel up one day and down the next. I refuse to be lead by my emotions otherwise I wouldn't battle so hard. I don't want my day, or the way I speak to my family or my productivity at work to be determined by how I feel in that moment.
I want to be like Paul in Philippians 4:11...
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstance"
I guess that it is the struggle. Contenment. I don't mean that I am not thankful or grateful for what I have. I just mean that there has always been a restlessness inside me. I want to feel settled. I don't want to feel anxious, especially when there isn't really anything to be anxious about.
I have been meditating on Scriptures and I do believe that helps, but I can't help but feel like I am still missing a piece of the puzzle.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A New Start

Well this year I can truly say that I am glad to see the holidays end. Don't be misled, it's not that I didn't enjoy them and appreciate all the gifts and family and food and festivities. Our Christmas started the Saturday before and didn't end until the Saturday after. Even Christmas becomes tiresome when it last a week.

The thing that was most alarming is that New Years came and went like just another day this year. No time for contemplative reflection or deep soul searching. We didn't make it back into town from Baton Rouge until New Years Eve and then there was the Christmas lights and decor to pack up in the attic, a grocery list to prepare and then acquire, 6 loads of clothes to wash, dry, fold and put away, unpacking of the luggage and making room for all the gifts we brought back with us. Somehow the day was over before I realized it.
Today I am back at work and wondering how on earth can I make a new start when I barely even noticed the whistle blew?
Then ever so gently I hear a familiar voice. It is just above a whisper. "Betsy, I make all things new!" A peace that passes my mortal understanding envelopes me and I know that I have not missed out. I tore out a sheet of paper and started writing furiously. A short simple prayer of blessing on these few year long goals and I suddenly have a totally new perspective.
I am ready for come what may, I have plans and I have goals but my constant is sweeter than all these......
For I know that my Redeemer lives and I shall stand with Him on that day!