Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth!

Okay so  it finally happened. My angelic 4 year old little girl said her first really BAD word. It is the c word, which to some is not even considered a bad word anymore, to me as a mother it is not acceptable from my 4 year old daughter's mouth. What upset me most is that when she said it, she said it with a purpose to shock and to defy me, because I had just told her that she was having a bad attitude and if she couldn't say anything nice, not to say anything at all.

I am not even going to delve into how I responded and the tirade that went on for the next 15 minutes. Leave it to say that it was not one of my finer moments. 

As with any time that my children disappoint I tend to turn introspective and start asking myself, what am I doing to cultivate peace in my home, to cultivate a good attitude and a gentle spirit? How has my attitude been as of late? I didn't really like my answers. The hardest part about parenting is knowing that these little people are at times the best and the worst reflection of ourselves. And while I am not condoning or excusing her potty mouth this morning, when I pick her up from playschool, I will hug her tightly and pray that God will give me a greater understanding of how to guide this little angel straight from my arms to His!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Red Letter Campaign

If you haven't heard of the Red Letter Campaign, here is your chance. It's so easy, just follow the steps below.

1.) Find some red envelopes (if you don't have some, make some out of red construction paper)
2.) Don't write anything on the inside.
3.) Mail to:
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

4.) On the back write: this envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was not allowed to offer anything to the world. Life begins with conception

The idea is simple. Bombard the White House with red envelopes to remind President Obama that the majority of Americans do not support his abortion policy.

I think this will be a great project to do with my little ones. I will print the labels and they can stick them on the envelopes.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mid Week Musings

It's only Wednesday and I feel like I need a weekend already! The kids have both had a rash all week. So between the steroids that keep them up at night and the itching that keeps them up at night, mommy is one tired lady.

This weekend is Valentine's and my mom has graciously offered (okay she didn't offer but she did agree) to keep the kids for Saturday night. Todd and I are off to Dallas to the Renaissance Hotel in Downtown Dallas and we have reservations at the Y O Ranch Steakhouse.

It's only for the night, but boy am I looking forward to getting away. Just to laugh and talk without interruption! The funny thing is, that whenever we go away we usually spend a good deal of the time, talking about the kids! It is always nice to talk and plan and dream together about the future. It's a reminder that before this crazy phase of our lives we were always together and enjoying each other's company.

I have seen so many relationships through the years that seem to get "lost" during parenting. The kids grow up and move away and all of a sudden they don't know each other anymore. I am so grateful that before I fell in love with Todd he had already become one of my best friends. We have never lost that closeness. Beyond the passion and attraction that rises and falls throughout the course of time, we are each other's favorite people. And for that, I am truly blessed!