Last week was amazing. Exhausting, but still amazing. I was in Orlando at Disney for a whole week, my mom and I with the two kiddos in tow. Todd flew in mid week and got a couple of days in at the park.
I was concerned that getting back into the swing of things would be difficult, especially since I was so tired. Fortunately, I jumped back into the daily grind with not a moment's hesitation. I was so glad just to be back to normalcy, and truly I love my life.
That is why I was so taken back this morning. I started out with my normal morning regimen until I got to the shower part. It was as if when I turned on the water instead I was covered in a veil of sadness. Whispers from the past were all around me and out of nowhere; I was sobbing. I fought the urge to weep all morning.
I can't quite say that the day has gotten any better as far as the emotional rollercoaster goes, but I have managed to put on my big girl panties and just work through it.
Where does this come from? I mean how did it happen? I went to bed fine and woke up a basket case. This can not be normal. I mean is this some spiritual sign that I should be tapping into. Am I supposed to be interceding for something/someone. I just don't know.
I only know that a veil of sadness seems all around me today. Turn on the news, sadness. Co workers losing loved ones nearly every week for the last 2 months. Cancer on every corner. Loss, suffering, pain, hunger and death. The world seems bathed in affliction. And all of a sudden it seems so magnified today. Even worse my heart is breaking.
My hope is in Him.