Thursday, August 06, 2009


I love normalcy. 

I am a friend of consistency.

I like things you can count on. 

That's why I have such a problem with change.

Now I didn't happen to be this way always. Something about motherhood made me into a lifetime nester. I like to settle down and get comfy.

But I am learning that God doesn't see nesting as such a good thing. When we become safe and comfy in our own little world, we start to lose our dependency upon Him. Right?

When my feathers get ruffled and my nest starts to unravel I run right to the Father. (Which is a very good thing.) That's exactly what He wants me to do. 

So while the world has seemed a bit topsy turvy as of late, and I fear the ride has just begun, I've been hiding out under the Shadow of the Almighty. 

And it's a pretty sweet place to be!