Last night, our little family of four crammed around the PC and studied pictures of children. Not just any children mind you, but the children who are waiting for sponsors from Compassion International. And not just any children from Compassion International, but ones who have been waiting over 6 months for a sponsor.
I have to thank
Kelly for making such an impact on my life with her personal journey with Compassion that I had to become a part. Our family has always been committed to missions giving (it's the old school A/G way you know), but this seemed somehow more personal and more relevant. I wanted our children to see how our giving was impacting an individual life.
So last night we found Guiselle, she is 5 and will turn 6 in April just like my Madelynn. We thought that was super special that they could be and would be pen pals for life. We decided right then and there that when Zachary becomes school age and starts to write letters that we are going to sponsor a little boy to be his far away penpal/brother too! What a wonderful way to teach your children that they can make a difference.
So I am anxiously awaiting our packet with all of Guiselle's information. (Welcome to the Smith Family Guiselle!) In the face of the devastation in Haiti, I might feel overwhelmed like I can't do anything, but thanks to Compassion International, I can make a difference anywhere in the world.
Compassion is also making incredible headway in Haiti right now. There presence in that region is an absolute Godsend. If you want to help and don't really know how, just follow the link below.