Don't ever trust the weather man! No green splashes on the weather map, but boy was it coming down on our heads when we got to the zoo. I know your thinking just go home and try again later. Well after an hour long drive and one very excited little girl, you can't just give up that easy. We persevered and about 20 minutes later the clouds rolled away and the sun broke through. We had a great time and came home just in time for both the kids to take a nice long nap.
Todd and I discussed many interesting topics while on our adventure and for a weak speller he is getting pretty good at speaking the all too familiar spell it out language of parenthood. Do you want some G-U-M? Should we stop at M-C-D-O-N-A-L-D-'S? Do you think she is ready for her N-A-P? What will we do when that kid learns how to spell? Todd says it has certainly strengthened his spelling skills and he now stands ready to decipher any letters than come at him.
So ended the semi-vacation for the Smith's. Todd is back at work today, and I am back to the everyday caos of life. I never imagined that my stay-at-home mom lifestyle would be the hardest job I ever had. Instead of one boss I have two! There are no breaks and lunch is not always an option. Have you ever taken a bathroom break with both your bosses? Not a pleasant experience but sometimes unavoidable in the life of a mom. Although I wanted this all my life I would be lying if I said I took to it like fish takes to water. It was quite an adjustment learning to spend all day with no adult stimulation and Noggin Reruns as your only source of entertainment. I am happy to report though, that I am past the adjustment phase and doing pretty well if I do say so myself. Everyday is amazingly ordinary but I wouldn't have traded 50 extra-ordinary days for the day my son sat up by himslef or tried to imitate me. No adult conversation in the world can top the way you feel when your two year old comes up and says "Mommy, guess what? I have Jesus in my heart."
Well back to the ordinary!
Until Then,
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
You are such a great writer. I love your blogs. That baby boy is just the cutest. I am glad that your day at the zoo turned out to be a good one. I so know all about the spellig conversations. Leah has figured out a couple of the words. Oh well. Love ya, net.
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