I have discovered there is something worse than the 24 hour virus, Multiplying that with a family of four. I woke up early Thursday morning with a feeling that something wasn't quite right. It didn't take long to confirm my suspicions and by 8 am that morning I was in the ER with severe vomiting and diarrhea. Thank goodness for a mom who will drop everything and come running when tragedy strikes the Smith house. Todd made it home around 11 and took charge of the household while I was quarantined to the bedroom. The only thing harder than being sick when you are a mommy is listening to your two year old cry because mommy can't play with her.
I managed through Friday and although I was still not feeling up to parr, my only consolation was that Todd and the kids were feeling fine. Unfortunately, I spoke to soon. At one o'clock the next morning Todd and I were awakened by Madelynn's blood curdling screams. I knew instantly that something was wrong. Todd made it to her first and she threw up all over him. He changed his shirt and I sent him back to bed to listen for Zach while I nursed Madelynn. Bless her heart, the rest of the night she threw up about every 20 - 30 minutes. I felt powerless because all I could do is hold her and rub her back and hold a towel for her. Thankfully finally around 5 the Phenergan started to kick in she stopped throwing up. She was so weak that after the first or second time she got sick I would have to hold her up to make sure she didn't choke because she would just lay there while she was throwing up. Needless to say there wasn't much rest for me that night and when Todd got up with Zach at six he instisted I go to bed for awhile.
I slept till about 7:30 and got up concerned about how Madelynn was doing. Like most toddlers not understanding about sickness she was up acting like nothing had happened. About every hour or two she would get really quiet and ask to watch a movie and several times she wold end up falling asleep. (For those of you well aquainted with my daughter you know she must have been sick).
Well to make a long story short Zach got sick by Sunday morning and Todd by Sunday evening. He and Zach are camped out in the back bedroom right now resting as it usually leaves you pretty weak for a day ot two after.
As sick as I felt on Thursday I would have to say that there is no greater pain than watching the ones you care about suffer and not be able to do anything for them. I think back to all the times as I child that I was sick and that my brothers were sick and wonder how my mom had the strength to put one foot in front of the other somedays. There must be a supernatural strength given to Mothers for this very purpose. Todd and I both came from families were both parents worked and although I stay at home right now I have GREAT appreciation for all working mothers (especially since I did it with Madelynn). Todd and I were both blessed that our parents were the type that willingly struggled to give us the best even though the cost was often great. What it created in us, is a consistent work ethic and a strong sense of responsibility that is severely lacking in our society today. I hope that we will be able to set the same examples for our children because they too deserve the best!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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