Well this was a week of changes for all the Smiths'. I started back work full time, a heart wrenching decision for our family. A choice like this is not made easily or quickly. We came to the decision that we were making the right change at the right time. THANK GOD for Mrs. Suzanne who has become the Smith Family Knight in Shining Armor! She cares for our babies like they were her own and without her we couldn't have come to the decision with any peace. She is a true Godsend to us.
Though I have shed many a tear over this past week, my kids seem to be adapting much better than I am. A blessing and a curse I guess. You want your kids to be happy about where they are going to be during the day, yet I struggle with also wishing they would be miserable without Mommy.
The first day Madelynn was exhausted from playing with all her new friends and was asleep by 8:15. Mommy was exhausted too and went to sleep as soon as she did! By the end of the day today I was feeling better about our shaky routine and beginning to feel like we might all survive.
God Bless all you working moms out there, the choice is one that only you can make and many times you are plaqued with all those "Aren't your kids more important?" comments. My kids are the most important thing and my reasons for going to work have WAY more to do with them than with me!! Good Luck to all you families out there trying to juggle family, work, church, friends, marriage and maybe squeeze a minute in there once in a while for yourself.
Keep this Smith family in your prayers as we are still learning to adjust and learning to juggle. Ours is an ever moving target!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I am glad that all of you are adjusting well. You are gonna love the change. Cant wait to see yall!!
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