The other day as I was walking my daughter across the street for playschool. As we were walking up the curb to the sidewalk, my daughter started to stumble. Because I was holding her hand, I lifted her up so she wouldn't scrape her knee. I said "See why Mommy makes you hold her hand, so that I can keep you from falling."
As soon as the words were out of my mouth, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Isn't that just how our Heavenly Father feels towards us? The moment we think we have it all under control and we let go of His hand, we slip and fall flat on our face! How many of life's scrapes and boo-boos could we avoid if we would only hold tight to His loving, faithful and protecting hand.
I hope it doesn't seem like I am overspiritualizing such a small thing. Thank goodness my Lord uses the simple things to speak to me or I might never get it!
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