Thursday, July 23, 2009

THANK YOU!!!!!!!


This week has been just crazy. I work till 5 at the office  and then I leave to go to my other job, my crew leading job at VBS. Crew leading 10 preschoolers for 2 hours sounded like so much fun when I signed up! So why do I now have a stomach ulcer, a head cold and possibly a few thousand torn ligaments?

No seriously, while it has been exhausting I have loved watching their little faces and how much they soak up. I mean really they are like little sponges, learning and retaining all that we can dish out.

So many times I have thanked God for keeping His hand on my life and keeping me in church when my life could have turned out so differently. And I think back to all the VBS, Awanas, Missionettes, Youth Groups, Fellowship Groups and Summer Camps and know that every seed planted during those childhood and early teenage years was harvested as I became a woman of God. So to all the VBS workers, Summer Camp Dorm Leaders, Fellowship Group Co-Leaders, ect....

Thank You for Giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed!


Kristi said...

This post just gave me chills all over! We are always blessed when we get to be a part of what God is doing....but how much more blessed we are when we serve Him in the middle of less than ideal circumstances. May the Lord give you eyes to see someday the amazing impact you had on His precious little children this week!