Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Letter to My Daughter

Dear Madelynn:

You are only four years old and I know you can't read this, but some day you will. I want to tell you all about the way you are right now.

You are beautiful. Not just to me but to everyone who knows you. Sometimes I watch you dancing and spinning in the sunshine and my breath catches in my throat at the miracle you are. You are girly and silly, you love picking flowers and anything to do with princesses. You love making up stories and silly songs. You are very creative.

You also have already developed a special love for your Heavenly Father. And even though there is still a lot you don't understand; you get what matters most. That he loves you just the way you are.

You are not perfect, you get cranky and whiny when you are tired and talk back way more than you should. But even in those moments, you are the most precious gift in my life.

I only hope I give you every opportunity to be all that you can be. You have the potential to be so much. Reach for the stars my love. They have been sparkling in your blue eyes since the day you where born. Fall in love with Jesus before you fall in love with anyone or anything else and He can take you all the way to the Heavens!! Literally.

I love you my princess.


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Winds of Change

Last Thursday the worship team and several of the church intercessors met for a time of worship and prayer at the new building. As I began praying and singing in the Spirit, I felt a phrase coming up within me. I began to sing about the Winds of Change. I sang that they would come and blow through the church affecting all present.
I thought later about how when a wind comes it usually changes the scenery. No one ever comes away from a strong wind with their hair all in place and their clothes not disheveled. I wonder how many times I have detoured the winds because of my own fear of the change that comes with the wind.
I studied quiet a bit in the days that followed about winds. The old testament talks often of the winds blowing from the four quarters of heaven and in Psalms it says that the winds are subject to the divine power.
I am now more certain than ever that the Winds of Change are coming and I am ready for not just the power from the wind, but the change too!