Tuesday, July 15, 2008


May we always remember that life works better together than apart. Life was meant to be shared. Sharing is hard sometimes. Hard for small children and sometimes harder for adults. God give us the ability to share what we have and learn to ask for what we have not.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Perfect Peace

Back in 1993, (wow 15 years ago) in Mr. Anzivino's Bible class we memorized a short scripture in Isaiah 26:3. I had no idea then how much that one little scripture would impact my life.

"He will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him, because He trust in Him."

This scripture has become like a prescription for my spirit man. Anytime I began to have anxiety or feel lost, I stop and ask myself? "Is your mind stayed on Him?", many times the answer is a resounding "NO!!!"

Even in the middle of the night, when I wake with a start after a bad dream, or I am awake wishing I could sleep, but worrying over some financial matter, or child's illness, I began to meditate on this scripture and force myself to replace the worries with thoughts or scriptures about Him.

Through the hardest trials in my life I begin to double up on my prescription so to say. More quiet time, more personal devotion, worship music in the morning as I dress for the day, bathing myself in the Word and with prayer. By taking this scripture literally I have been able to learn that "Perfect Peace" comes with "Perfect Trust". The trusting is always the hard part.

When covered by His presence and with the Word, the trusting does come easier though, and once the trusting starts the peace always follows.

"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,

Just to take Him at His Word

Just to rest upon His Promise

and to know"Thus Saith the Lord!"