Monday, September 14, 2009

I know I know!

I know what your thinking. You've about given up on me. I am so sorry that I took such a hiatus, but things have been so crazy and every time I even started to blog I just didn't even know where to start. 

Madelynn started kindergarten at the end of August and Zachary started preschool the first part of September, so that was a big deal in our house just trying to adjust to a new schedule. I think we are all starting to get the hang of it. 

Todd and I are both under a little bit of pressure as there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes and we are trusting God that HE alone is in control of the situation. Please remember us in your prayers and hopefully I will be able to say more in the coming weeks. 

I was asked back in June to speak at a day retreat for the women of our church and boy have I been excited, anxious, nervous, ect.... That has taken a lot of my free time as I have been praying and preparing for this past weekend. We had around 30 women in attendance and I really believe more than anything else  that I was able to speak from my heart. 

I have already heard some incredible testimonies from what God did in the hearts of so many of the women. What an AWESOME GOD we serve. I came home from the retreat Saturday night feeling exhausted but content that I had given it my ALL!

So now that I feel you are adequately updated, I hope to begin to write again and not be such a stranger.

Heavens to Betsy!!!